Every person has a different opinion on what is funny. What one person finds hilarious, someone else may think it’s the stupidest thing they have heard. That’s what is hard about comedy.
I’ve always heard that doing comedy is a very fickle beast. One night, your jokes kill and you feel like you can conquer the world. The next show, every joke bombs and the chorus of crickets greets you after every punchline. Those nights, you want to crawl in a hole and never take the stage again.
To me, it’s interesting to learn what makes people laugh. Some people like knock knock jokes, others are into funny stories and for some reason, some people are still into Dane Cook. Hey oh!
But seriously, comedy is tough, because it’s hard to appeal to an entire audience. Some crowds are accepting of jokes while others just don’t care. If your joke doesn’t tickle their fancy, then they aren’t going to laugh.
But I guess that’s just part of learning. Not every joke will be a hit. But I think it’s important to focus on the people who laugh and forget the ones who don’t. Learn from that joke, rewrite and work and try to get more people to laugh at it.
Every one has a different sense of humor. So don’t get offended when people don’t laugh. It doesn’t mean the joke isn’t funny. It may just mean that the crowd wasn’t into it. Keep telling that joke and find a way to make it funny.